My Family

Today The Old - Tomorrow The New  

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Well I normally talk in riddles and rhymes
But with the end of the year being so queer
I felt that we must just sit and discuss
All that has happen to you and to us

Today is the old and tomorrow the new
What can we say about all of the news?
The country abound, we sink in the ground
With debt and with fear, we fall further down

Banks they have fallen, jobs are so rare
Look at the news - we've polluted the air!
Baby's are dying, killing abroad
Bring our troops home is an old familiar song

Why do they say out with the old
When all we are doing is replaying it all
Oh so familiar the news is these days
Like we've recycled reels of long yesterdays

Please if you can tell us whats new
Once the ball drops to the almighty tune
What are our hopes and what are our dreams
Tied to the tail of "I HAVE A DREAM"
Out with the white in with the new can he fix what they all blow

Please can you tell us what to expect
Now that my old is thrown off my deck
Just sitting and pondering those little thoughts
Not sure where it's going - probably in a box

With how things have gone
We will see this again
When out with the old
We will visit again

This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at 11:06 AM and is filed under , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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